
Tips for Bridal Skincare – getting you ready for the big day!

Tips for Bridal Skincare – getting you ready for the big day!

With weddings and events back in full swing, now is the time for spring and summer brides to consider shaping up their skincare regime. In this month’s blog, our Training and Development Manager, Erin Anderson, gives advice for skincare regimes to make sure your skin is glowing for your big day!

Glowing skin takes time and commitment especially if you have specific concerns to address, so starting early always makes sense. Read on for Erin’s advice for glowing skin for brides (and, of course, not forgetting the mothers of the bride) … 

Texture and Hydration (Glowing/Dewy Complexion)

This is my most common bride request. After all, who doesn’t want glowing skin for their wedding day? The best thing you can do is stimulate your natural exfoliation rate and increase how your skin naturally hydrates. 

World-leading skincare from ZO Skin Health

Things to add into your routine are chemical and physical exfoliators such as magnesium crystal products as these buff the dead skin cells rather than aggressively irritate. 

AHA/BHAs such as glycolic or lactic acid will break down the rough dead skin cells that create a dull complexion. Next you want to stimulate your hydration cell (GAG cell) by using a gentle retinol. This will help produce hydration from deeper in the skin. Finish with a moisturiser that is appropriate for your skin. Don’t apply a moisturiser for dry skin if your skin is oily just to achieve that “dewy” finish as you will do your skin more harm than good. 

For glowing skin on your big day, I recommend having a HydraFacial (the queen facial for all brides and mothers of the bride) which can help tackle any skin concern before the big day and will leave your skin instantly glowing and refreshed.

Targeting Acne with Salicylic Acid

A bug bare for the majority of brides is the dreaded breakout on the big day, The best thing you can do to avoid this is introduce Salicylic acid into your skin care. 

Salicylic acid is a must have in your routine as it gently exfoliates the upper layer of dead skin helping to unclog the pores, calm inflammation and it is also anti-microbial. What’s not to love? ❤️

For acne prone or congested skin, Salicylic is available in cleansers, toners, exfoliators, serums and many other products. However, it is important not to overdo it as your skin needs a combination approach – beginning with a cleanser is a good starting point. Here, at Clinetix, we also have in clinic treatments clinically proven to calm breakouts such as Chemical Peels and LED Light Therapy.

Treating Skin Pigmentation 

Skin pigmentation comes in many forms from freckles to melasma and age spots. It can be quite tricky to treat. I’d always recommend visiting a professional clinic when treating pigmentation. There are 3 key ingredients I’d recommend – Vitamin C, Retinol and a high factor SPF, applied daily. A combination of these three products will help lighten, brighten, even the skin tone and protect against future damage. Professional treatments for pigmentation are IPL or chemical peels.

If you are experiencing an issue with pigmentation, it would be best to book in for a Skin Health Consultation, in the first instance, to get expert advice.

Treating Redness and Rosacea

I see this every single day in clinic and, unfortunately, there is no clear reason as to why we get that tell-tale redness, broken capillaries and flushing across the face. One stimulator of rosacea is weak barrier function (acid mantel). This is the layer over the skin that keeps it healthy and strong and when that becomes damaged or weakened the skin can begin to become inflamed. 

Ingredients to help strengthen this barrier are amino acids, like lysine, peptides and antioxidants. I highly recommend seeking advice on Rosacea Treatment IPL as this is the gold standard for reducing redness and visible broken veins. You can see from the before and after image below just how amazing the results can be, even with just one session!

Results with one IPL Photorejuvenation session!

Anti-Ageing Skincare Advice

If you’re wanting to look more youthful on your big day then getting started with active ingredients straight away will provide the best results.

Retinol (Vitamin A) is the key ingredient for lots of skin concerns but especially anti-ageing! I could go on and on about all the benefits of retinol but the key ones are stimulating collagen that helps strengthen and plump, stimulates your hydration cells and smooths fines lines. 

Research your products as many claim high percentages but do not deliver the benefits. 

Bear in mind Retinol will cause a little drying and flaking of the skin so begin with a low percentage and apply once a week increasing over the weeks then increase your percentage. 

Above all, my main piece of advice is that all these concerns are normal and your skin will fluctuate all the way through your life but I hope the advice above will increase your skin confidence on your big day, you’ll be beautiful…

love Erin x

To Find Out More…

If you would like to find out more about our treatments at Clinetix, give our friendly team a call on 01698 854221 or you can get social @clientix. Alternatively, you can contact us 24/7 using our online Callback Request form or book in for a no obligation consultation at a date/time to suit you via our online booking platform, at the website link below:

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About Erin Anderson

Erin Anderson is Training & Development Manager for the Clinetix group. Erin originally gained her HND certificate in Aesthetics with Distinction in Scotland before moving to London for further education and training.  Before joining the team at Clinetix in 2015, Erin initially trained at London’s famous Harley Street. Erin has a deep passion for education and works closely with the Clinetix Clinical Directors to ensure the team’s knowledge and skills remain at the forefront of the aesthetic industry.

Centre of Excellence in Aesthetic Medicine

Clinetix is a Centre of Excellence in Aesthetic Medicine. To find out more about Clinetix; our ethos, our services and our practitioners, visit www.clinetix.co.uk

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