


Why Winter Is The Secret Weapon To Aesthetic Treatments

Winter months can often be a time to simply ‘get through’ until the brighter mornings start to appear. However, these long dark months can offer the perfect opportunity to embark on your journey to better skin and overall improved skin confidence.

Most of us understand that winter can be particularly tough on your skin, with harsh winds, colder temperatures and the additional dryness from indoor heating can all cause havoc to your skin’s natural barrier. This can be especially noticeable by those of you with existing skin conditions, such as thread veins and dry skin, who find this time of the year only exacerbates these issues further.

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Embracing Excellence: Our Triple Nomination at the Aesthetic Awards 2024

In a celebration of innovation, excellence in medicine and industry improvements we are thrilled to announce that we have been nominated for not just one but three awards this year for the Aesthetic Awards 2024.

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Twelve Treatments for Christmas at Clinetix

Christmas can be a rushed, busy time, and may not leave you feeling your most festive by the time the 25th rolls around. However, carving out a piece of the festive month for yourself can greatly add to your overall wellbeing, whether that be included as part of your self-care rituals or to make changes to the health and appearance of your skin.

Below are just twelve of our treatments that are especially popular during this time of year, from treatments for collagen production to tackling specific skin concerns. Finding treatments that suit your skin’s unique needs can be a daunting prospect. However, we have selected the following treatments as a starting point in your skin health journey and invite you to explore each one to discover the perfect treatment for you.

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Announcement: Co-authored Paper on Off-Label Use of Botulinum Toxin for Aesthetic Doctors 

We are proud to reveal that our Director Dr Simon Ravichandran has co-authored a pioneering research paper on the off-label use of botulinum toxin. This paper delves into the realm of aesthetic medicine, exploring innovative approaches and techniques for utilising botulinum toxin beyond its traditional applications.

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Patients Needed for a Clinical Study on Oily Skin

Are you tired of oily skin and large pores? Do you want to reduce sebum production and pore size? Then you may be interested in participating in our latest clinical investigation.

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